Memes: Remix


This political meme was used to publicize a massive protest. The movement took place on September 22, 2014. Those who participated were protesting against Wall Street for financing the climate change. This promotional picture was designed to be read and perceived in a particular way. I think the waves represent the protestors and the bull represents Wall Street and it’s financial market. The waves are crashing over the bull to emphasize the strength and capabilities of those willing to protest. The picture is meant to encourage people to join the protest and to highlight the injustices of the climate crisis.


I created this meme to mock the financial market of Wall Street. Again, the waves represent the protestors and the bull represents Wall Street. The meme reads, “Oh crap…I can’t swim”.  This statement is meant to diminish the strength that is often associated with Wall Street. Even with it’s prosperous market, it is difficult for them to curb the efforts of all those opposed to their actions. The waves ultimately overpower the bull due to the fact that the bull “can’t swim”. The meme is humorous but stern in bringing power to the people.





This meme was created to advertise a chat service called HipChat. I think the advertisement was designed to attract attention with humor. The character used in the billboard is a well-known meme and that alone will attract many people’s attention. The “Y U NO” phrase, which is always associated with this image, is comical and used to advertise the website in a unique way.


imageI created this meme to mock the way in which HipChat is advertised. I think using the meme that they did was humorous. However, it is ironic that a chat service that is supposed to be designed for professional businesses, is using a meme that is extremely unprofessional and childish. I wrote “Promotes professional chat service” t0 emphasize the purpose of the billboard and continued with “can’t speak proper english” to point out the immaturity of the design.

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